

の前に、少し早めの昼食。十和田市民が愛してやまないソウルフード(←まっぷる曰く)十和田バラ焼きを求めて美術館近くの「司 バラ焼き大衆食堂」にお邪魔しました。玉ねぎと牛バラ肉を敷きつめた鉄板が出され、火を付けるところから始まります。5-10分ほどでしょうか。出来上がったバラ焼き、めちゃくちゃうまい。米が何杯でもいけそうな気がしました。


*July 2023 English text added
Title: Aomori Travelogue (Towada City, Oirase, Hachinohe) Day 1
Body text:
I went to Aomori Prefecture for the first time in my life on a four-day, three-night trip. In fact, Aomori is the only prefecture among the 47 prefectures in Japan that I have never been to, and I have visited all of them on this trip. (Naturally, the culture and sights are completely different in each prefecture, and the scenery varies with the seasons, so I can’t say that I’ve conquered all of them yet, but this trip marked a milestone for me.)
The scope of Aomori is much more vast than one might think. Among the Shimokita Peninsula of Oma, famous for its tuna, the Shirakami Mountains, a World Natural Heritage site, and Aomori Town, the center of the Nebuta Festival, I went to Towada City, Oirase, and Hachinohe this time at the request of my partner. We hope this will be a useful reference for those who are going to travel in the future.
[Day 1] Now it’s time to go to Aomori.
Main Activities:Tokyo Station→Hachinohe Station→Towada City Museum of Contemporary Art→Hotel around Lake Towada
From Tokyo Station to Hachinohe Station, take the Shinkansen Hayabusa for approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes. We headed there with the Mapuru in hand, talking about the itinerary once again. The world on the other side of the train window is gradually changing from the city to the countryside. It’s one of the tastes of travel, isn’t it? And so we arrived at Hachinohe Station. From here, we completed the necessary procedures to rent a car and headed first to the Towada Museum of Contemporary Art! (We did not go to Hachinohe at this time because we planned to explore Hachinohe on the third and final day of our trip.)
It takes about one hour from Hachinohe Station to the Towada Art Museum. It takes about one hour from Hachinohe Station to the Towada Museum of Contemporary Art. There are a few chain restaurants here and there, so it looks more like an urban area than I expected. We were greeted by Yayoi Kusama’s objet d’art and a horse full of individuality.
We had an early lunch before visiting the Towada Museum of Contemporary Art. We visited the “Tsukasa Barayaki Popular Restaurant” near the museum for Towada Barayaki, a soul food (according to Mapuru) that the citizens of Towada love to eat. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes. The resulting bara-yaki was so good, I could eat as many cups of rice as I wanted. I felt like I could eat as many servings of rice as I wanted.
After satisfying my appetite, I finally went to the Towada City Museum of Contemporary Art, which I had longed to visit. After taking a walk around the museum, we entered the museum. The inside of the museum looks like this. It was a good feeling just to walk around the museum, so I thought I might not bother to enter the museum… but I am glad I did. Various objects and artworks welcome you.
After leaving the museum, we went to a hotel around Towadako to enjoy a large bath & dinner for the Oirase mountain stream tour the next day. This is the end of the first day of the trip.
Next time: Day 2 / To explore Oirase Keiryu (w/ irregular updates as it took longer than expected).
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