


  • ほうれん草 半パックくらい
  • ベーコン お好みの量
  • ゆで卵 1個
  • オリーブオイル 大さじ2
  • ドレッシング(おろしにんにく・塩こしょう・醤油・レモン汁を適量)


  1. 水洗いしたほうれん草と、ベーコンを食べやすい大きさにカット。
  2. ボウルにドレッシングとほうれん草と適当にカットしたゆで卵を入れ混ぜる。
  3. フライパンにオリーブオイルとベーコンを入れ炒め、ベーコンが焼けたら2のほうれん草一式を投入しさっと炒めて出来上がり。



*July 2023 English text added

Title: Spinach and Bacon Salad

Body text: I have been eating salads more and more in the past month or two as I have been on a lax carbohydrate restriction diet. However, I was getting tired of eating only ready-made salads sold in supermarkets (although they are very convenient), so I decided to make a salad using spinach and bacon.

[Ingredients] 1 serving

  • Half a pack of spinach
  • Bacon, as much as you like
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Dressing (grated garlic, salt and pepper, soy sauce, lemon juice to taste)

[How to make]

  • Cut spinach and bacon into bite-size pieces.
  • In a bowl, mix the dressing with the spinach and boiled eggs cut into pieces.
  • When the bacon is done, add the spinach mixture and saute briefly.

When I use spinach and bacon, well, I can’t go wrong, but the garlic and lemon juice are a nice accent and very good! I think I will be addicted for a while.

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