





  • 牛バラ肉 200gくらい
  • 玉ねぎ 1/2個
  • スタミナ源たれ 大さじ1~1.5杯(お好みで)
  • 塩こしょう 少々


  1. フライパンにごま油を引き熱する。
  2. 牛バラ肉と適当にカットした玉ねぎを敷き詰め、中火でじっくり焼く。
  3. 全体に火が通ってきたら混ぜて、塩こしょう少々をかける。
  4. 仕上げにスタミナ源たれをかけて出来上がり。



KNK 上北農産加工 スタミナ源たれ 410g

*July 2023 English text added

Title: Stir-Fried Beef Ribs and Onions with Stamina Gen Sauce

Body text:

Stamina Gen Sauce was purchased on a recent trip to Aomori. It is a seasoning manufactured by a company headquartered in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture.

I had heard rumors from acquaintances about this sauce, but when I actually used it in cooking, it was really good! I have only heard rumors about it, but when I actually used it in a dish, it was really very tasty! And it’s so easy to add it to stir-fry dishes.

This time, I used only onions and beef ribs in a simple dish modeled after Towada-yaki.

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